The Mobile Suit Gundam is a televised anime series, created by Sunrise. Created and directed by Yoshiyuki Tomino, it premiered in Japan on Nagoya Broadcasting Network on April 7, 1979, and lasted until January 26, 1980, spanning 43 episodes.

After the first Gundam series started to roll in, the sequels, spin offs, and prequels continuously aired until today, expanding the Gundam universe in countless titles; be that in tv series, OAV's or Movies. The most notable continuation for the Gundam Univerce is the "Universal Century" where the stories are closely follows the timeline and chronological order of the original 1979 tv series.

Here are the Gundam Series that is within the Universal Century sphere;

Note that even the Gundam X and Gundam Wing sets on an alternate universe outside of the UC influence, the storyline of these two alternate Gundam series are still relevant and adaptable within the UC chronological guideline.

The alternate Universe are Gundam series that did not happen within the Universal Century timeline, consist of the time before the UC ( Gundam Seed and Gundam 00 ), or a "what if?" scenario e.g: G Gundam.

Here are some of the Alternate Universe Gundam series that we know:

...this still does not count the numbers of Game Storyline and novelisations made to boost the Gundam franchise. We will elaborate more on each of the Gundam series as well as the novelisations on our future post. Please check us out daily!

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